Monday, July 13, 2009

3 things you didn't know about me.......

If you haven't heard we are hoppin. Mck Linky is hosting a blog hop each week. It is fun and super easy. Join in and be in the loop.

I thought long and hard on this one folks and here they are ,not exciting but honest....

1. I am moody, certain days more so than others. I tend to reserve this TUDE for at home. I rarely show this out or toward other people.

2. I still sleep with a favorite blanket and when stressed I calm down by the feel of it... I know how old I am, but it works.

3. I love to dance when alone at the house... I danced for 15 years, so it is part of my soul and who I am. When alone I turn it up and dance away.

So there you go I have no more secrets..


MckLinky Blog Hop


Caravan Trading Group said...

Nice to meet you! I'm visiting from this week's Blog Hop. :) On August 1, I'll be hosting a new meme called Small World Saturday. I hope that you'll join the fun!

Carleen said...

Hi! I'm at the Hop today and stopped by to get to know you better. I hope that you'll find the time to visit me, too!

Thought you might like to know that your link isn't working because the PERIOD between the name of the blog and blogspot is missing.

13for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose. 14Do everything without complaining or arguing, 15so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe Philippians 2:13-15