Friday, January 23, 2009

Friday night out??and popcorn..

Well I'm sitting in the floor of my bedroom listening to my sweet baby sleep and Brennon, Madi and Tyler ( a neighbor) are up stairs playing what sounds like xbox 360. Why am I sitting in my floor you ask? well I have this fear of Braiden falling off the bed and if I sit on the bed with him he doesn't nap as well. Patrick, my BIL Blake ( who sings fabulously and really could do it for a living but feels led to be on the praise and worship team at his church - Church of the Highlands), my sister Jami and I are going to our church - Daystar to see Fireproof. I think we are some of the few who haven't seen this movie. I really am looking forward to it, it is almost like a date.... I haven't been on one of those since November of 2006. And the best part it is free, and with popcorn. Yummy. My Dad and Janice ( my step mom- but we don't use that word it sounds so evil thanks to Disney, she and my dad have been marries since I was 3, I honestly can not remember a time with out her) are coming over to keep the kidos for us.
I do have a praise report of sorts. My Dad had his tests today and they saw nothing remarkable. They took several biopsy's and are checking on some preexisting stomach conditions but over all things look good. No cancer or sig. bleeding seen. My dad and I haven't always been close and I would love for us to be even closer and we are working at it and trying. My mom and him divorced when I was 2 and I lived with her only seeing my dad every other weekend and a couple of weeks out of the summer. Things were also stressed between them and a lot of neg. things were said in my home about my dad. So I grew up with my mom talking bad about my dad and to be honest I was afraid of him for a period in my life. I now know that to be wrong and mostly not true. I'm reading a blog called Bring the Rain and I really have felt so much comfort there. In her blog Angie recommended a book Parenting the way God Parents. WOW this book has changed the way I see myself. I have always tried so hard not to repeat the mistakes of my mother and this book address just that. And Wed night in class Pastor Jerry talked about breaking the generational curse that is in your family. Things can stop with you, you do not have to repeat the parenting styles of your parents. This book really is worth the $ and time to read it. I think I got off the topic of my dad- anyway he is doing better and feeling better. So thank you God, continue to cover him with your healing and love.
I'm really excited to spend time with Jami and Blake. They are young and are pregnant for the first time. Such an exciting time in our family. They can use our prayers also. Things are changing for them and Jami is nervous and a little scared about this baby. Her progesterone was too low and they told her she wouldn't get pregnant, well she already was and didn't know it yet. So this child was in Gods plan and is a blessing from Him.
Patrick and I are going through some personal problems, Mostly about $. When I was on bed rest for 23 weeks and not working it messed our finances up a smidge. We are trying to avoid bankruptcy and work through this. It has been very stressful on us and our marriage. But I have faith and hope that things will be OK. We are starting to tithe the full 10% and that may sound crazy to some when we are faced with all this dept and all but I have faith that God will see us through. We never really tithed the full 10% before and why should God bless us financially when we never gave Him the chance. Really all we have is His, we should give it all. So I'm asking for prayer this is a HUGE step for us, but I feel the right one to take.
Please continue to pray for Harper and Brayden the babies in NICU in Tulsa. Their buttons are on the previous post.


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13for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose. 14Do everything without complaining or arguing, 15so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe Philippians 2:13-15